The Interview

Just because a company need workers doesn't mean that it will apply the same old standards as it did ten years ago. The standards have risen as well as the risks. Recruiting managers are battling with the current value of a candidate's specific experience and asking themselves:

  • Does this candidate really understand the work we need done?
  • Is s/he demonstrating — hands down — the ability to do the work?
  • Is s/he really going to pay off if we hire him/her?
  • Do we really need to fill that open job or could we split up the work among the existing employees?

As employers struggle to assess a job candidate's worth and experience a particular kind of job candidate starts to stand out. The one who can explain it all to the manager, calmly, intelligently and confidently. This is the candidate who has invested his/her entire being in winning this one job. S/He knows what matters most to this business and s/he's going to contribute to the bottom line.

If you have been invited to an interview they have looked at your CV and found something about you, or the way you have presented yourself, that has felt a good enough 'fit' to get you through the door.

Unless they are simply going through the motions because they've already appointed someone, they want to know their search is over, so for the length of the interview, the job is yours.

What counts is knowing exactly what you want and unless you can communicate how you're going to profit a particular employer you have no business applying for the job.

Tailored Interview Skills Training

  • We look at all the factors that affect an interview situation.
  • We help you prepare a personal statement that will have an immediate impact on the interviewer.
  • We make you aware of the impression you make and how to change it.
  • We prepare you for the different types of questions and how to deal with them.
  • We unpick what happens at the ideal interview — how does the ideal interviewee behave?
  • We show you how to inject your interview with passion whilst at the same time not overwhelming the interviewer/s.
  • We analyse successful interviews and what worked and explore ways of using rejection to feed success.